The The Church At Third And Main
by Reg Quist
The century-old First Baptist Church had everything going for it: a great location, oak pews for twelve hundred people, grand piano and pipe organ, full basement for multiple functions, gymnasium, and enough rooms to accommodate any number of programs or gatherings. The only thing it really lacked was people… and the blessings of God, if you choose to be fussy about such things.
The grand old church was reduced to fewer than one hundred attendees, many of them well past their prime. Something had to be done. The denomination leaders, the church board; they all agreed. Their unconventional solution was to invite Jonathon McCann, a godly, creative, local businessman to step in as the recovery pastor. Jonathon’s intention is to spread the gospel message throughout the many high rise residential buildings surrounding the old church.
But, of course, there’s a hitch. The church has a poorly hidden secret that will have to be dealt with, if God is again going to take up full residence among the people.
With bold moves, amid much fear and trembling, Jonathon and the board move forward. Will God bless the efforts? Will the high-rise residents welcome the message or reject it? Will the people willing and gracefully address their past?