Morning Devotional John 13:7

Morning Devotional John 13:7

Jesus replied “You don’t understand now what I am doing, but someday you will.” John 13:7 Sometimes we find ourselves questioning what The Lord is doing in our lives and wondering why? Wounded and tired we wonder why things are going the way they are, what is the...
God’s Work In Other Places: Guadalajara, Mexico

God’s Work In Other Places: Guadalajara, Mexico

God’s Work In Other Places Guadalajara, Mexico by Cliff Hudgins Most people who attend Church have a myopic view of how a Church functions and assume that every Church operates just like they do. This is not a criticism but rather just an observation. There is nothing...
Be Kind To Writers And Editors Month

Be Kind To Writers And Editors Month

Did you know that September is “Be Kind To Writers and Editors Month?”  In 1984, Lone Star Publishing in San Antonio, Texas established this month-long celebration to honor all of the fantastic writers and editors of the world. There are numerous ways to...
A Legacy of Grace, Truth and Love

A Legacy of Grace, Truth and Love

Legacy of Grace, Truth and Love “For when he dies he shall carry nothing away; His glory shall not descend after him.” Psalm 49:17 In light of eternity, we cannot become consumed with the temporary, but a vision that endures. In order to be a Godly leader, we must all...