An enchanting Christian romance series that reflects the depth of God’s love and the strength of unwavering faith. In Finding the Way, Mary is drawn into God’s plan when the disciples request her Upper Room for Passover. As her life unravels, she faces fierce...
His town. Her God. Let the battle begin. In the mining town of Defiance, Charles McIntyre reigns over everything and everyone, his empire built on ambition and control. When three Christian sisters from the South arrive, stranded and eager to open a hotel, Charles is...
Immerse yourself in a breathtaking season of unexpected peace, filled with whispers of miracles and new beginnings. In the wake of Saul’s miraculous conversion on the Road to Damascus, Mary rejoices as the Way flourishes, unburdened by the threats of her former...
To outwit the bottom of the barrel, she must act like a man…and think like a lady. One look at Misery, Wyoming, and Grace Hendrick knows exactly why she’s been exiled to this dusty cowtown. Banished from Chicago by her abusive husband, Bull, for an alleged affair,...
Experience the captivating portrayal of an epic battle between good and evil in this compelling tale of faith and triumph. The saving gospel of Jesus Christ has exploded in Jerusalem, Samaria, and beyond—transforming thousands of lives. As faithful believers continue...
The true journey of a hero lies in discovering one’s faith and family… Katy McKim and Detective Matt Hartman are enjoying life. With Katy’s brother, Shawn, alive and well, everything seems to be heading in the right direction. But happiness is short-lived—and nothing...