USAF Fighter pilot James Morgan finds himself in supernatural conflict that suctions his wife, Laura and daughter, Lori, into clandestine governmental intrigues of terrifying dimension. Mark Lancing, a young Marine fighter pilot, finds his life intertwined with the...
Tyce Greyson, a TV journalist and reporter, visits the Wailing Wall at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. He is confronted by a Jewish cleric while he is photographing the area for a story he will be doing for a magazine. The Rabbi says to him: “Israel is the sign...
Noah’s Navy (Dream Doors Adventures Book 2) by Douglas Hirt and Terry James The Millennial Kingdom is a wonderous time to be born into. The world is at peace and has become like the Garden of Eden; beautiful, exciting, and ruled by the Great King Himself who...
Adam’s Apples (Dream Doors Adventures Book 1) by Douglas Hirt and Terry James Ever wonder what living in a near-perfect world would be like? Bible prophecy promises just such a coming world! The Millennium will be One-thousand years of an Eden-like Planet Earth,...
Flight to Eden (Cradleland Chronicles Book 1) by Douglas Hirt From the fabulously creative mind of acclaimed author Douglas comes this spellbinding Christian fantasy. Civilization is advancing rapidly, the world population burgeoning. Satan has caused the fall of man...
Quest For Atlan (Cradleland Chronicles Book 2) by Douglas Hirt The Cradleland Chronicles, a Christian action adventure fantasy takes you to places and adventures from the mind of renowned author Douglas Hirt. Step back into the days of Eden, where Giants dwell,...