True to frontier life, award-winning author Reg Quist delivers book five in a series where a young sheriff struggles to keep the people closest to him safe. Following his return from Texas, Sheriff Rory Jamison yearns for a peaceful life. But when news of a heinous...
Action-packed and full of history, award-winning author Reg Quist delivers book four in a series that details the turbulent adventures of a young lawman. Sheriff Rory Jamison wants nothing more than to protect and serve his county—and start over after the last few...
With a cast of strong characters, Reg Quist delivers a contemporary Christian western romance series with a few surprises along the way. In The Truth of the Matter, Danny Framer is the newcomer and only wants to be left alone after a traumatic incident saving a young...
Never mess with another man’s cattle, or suffer the consequences… Robert Fairchild, a wealthy easterner, has retired in Hollister, Oregon. He bought land, built a beautiful home, and brought in thousands of sheep and reliable shepherds. But seeing as Hollister...
True to history and full of action, award-winning author Reg Quist delivers book three in a series that shows the lengths a sheriff will go to for his county. Sheriff Rory Jamison has finally settled into his position and been deemed a man who gets the task done. But...
Historical and action-packed, award-winning author Reg Quist delivers book two in a series that details the adventures that define and stretch a young lawman. At the request of the state administrator, Rory Jamison is assigned with putting together a census of the...