by CKN | Jul 22, 2021 | Christian Non-Fiction, Devotionals, Non-Fiction Books
Read, chuckle, and pray. Draw encouragement and inspiration from a collection of personal and often humorous anecdotes that derived from over 60 years of ministry. Refreshing assurance of wellbeing to those who fear the future and show that there is evidence of God’s...
by CKN | Sep 17, 2018 | Christian Non-Fiction, Devotionals, Non-Fiction, Non-Fiction Books
What was Paul like? His convictions were like steel — strong, durable, unbending. And he had a warm, compassionate nature. He was a composite of all the qualities God wants to develop in your life. He was a man of steel and...
by CKN | Sep 17, 2018 | Christian Non-Fiction, Devotionals, Non-Fiction, Non-Fiction Books
Peter Apostle of Contrasts is a character study of the man Simon Bar Jonah who, after experiencing the majesty and power of the living Christ would never be the same. Of all the personalities in the New Testament the Apostle Peter stands out. In a word, he was a man...
by CKN | Sep 5, 2017 | Devotionals, Our News
It is the end of a season and the transition to a new one, anxiety levels may be high. The kids are back to school, schedules back on track and stress and worry might come flooding into your life. You might be overwhelmed at work, lacking resources or money, fearful...