
A brilliant and satirical look at today’s spiritual warfare—told through letters written by a Senior Tempter to a new, Junior Tempter under his tutelage.

The Evil One has updated and modernized his lies and temptations, but his objective is the same: steer one more soul onto the broad road that leads to his home Below.

Follow along as Senior Demon Deumus teaches fledgling tempter Bentrock how to steer his prey, a Texas prison inmate, toward the wide gate that leads to destruction. One would think that securing the damnation of this “bunch of criminals, thugs, and addicts” would be an easy task, but, as Deumus notes, it is not. “If they start to consider themselves – now naked and in a cage – the terrible, awful, incontrovertible truth occurs to even the hardest heart: I was made for more than this.”

Readers will find themselves immersed in this realistic look at how tempters cynically leverage the modern culture and our human weaknesses to pursue their prey, both in prison and in the “free world”. Fortunately for our inmate, he is not alone in this fight. None of us are.

In the tradition of C.S. Lewis’ classic work The Screwtape Letters, Lucifer’s tempters pursue a new generation of “Prey” inside a Texas Prison.

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