From bestselling author Ken Pratt comes a thrilling new chapter in the legendary Matt Bannister series, set in a world where past and present collide. In 1932, Alex Wentworth, a determined journalist for The Jessup County Chronicles, embarks on a mission to uncover a...
Prepare for an epic battle between good and evil. Former covert ops Major Jacob “Jake” Taft thought his days of war were over—until an ancient demon emerges from the shadows, threatening to unravel the world as he knows it. What begins as strange occurrences on Jake’s...
Experience the captivating portrayal of an epic battle between good and evil in this compelling tale of faith and triumph. The saving gospel of Jesus Christ has exploded in Jerusalem, Samaria, and beyond—transforming thousands of lives. As faithful believers continue...
The true journey of a hero lies in discovering one’s faith and family… Katy McKim and Detective Matt Hartman are enjoying life. With Katy’s brother, Shawn, alive and well, everything seems to be heading in the right direction. But happiness is short-lived—and nothing...
Sometimes, secrets are buried as deep as the shadows they cast… Still recovering from the loss of her parents in a mysterious carbon monoxide poisoning years ago, Katy McKim receives devastating news—her brother, Shawn, has disappeared and is presumed dead. Returning...
GOOD TRIUMPHS OVER DARKNESS IN THIS CHRISTIAN WESTERN MYSTERY COLLECTION. Across nine gripping tales, join US Marshal Matt Bannister as he faces relentless adversaries, untangles webs of deceit, and fights for truth and righteousness in a world where darkness lurks...