
And so, I write

B.N. Rundell riding horses

I write . . . but I’m no Hemingway, Shakespeare or even Cussler. Nor can I walk in the shadow of Lamour, Grey, Robert Vaughn, or Chet Cunningham. These are like master sculptors compared to a blacksmith. The sculptor creates masterpieces that bless and inspire for generations while the blacksmith makes the practical, simple and utilitarian. I guess you could say I’m a wordsmith, and when I think of someone picking up a novel with my name on it and sitting back in their easy chair, or reclining on their couch or whatever comfortable nook they choose and opening the cover . . . I am honored. 

As they come with me into a distant place and a different time, they leave behind their cares, worries and troubles if for but a few moments, hours or maybe even days. They sit astride the same horse, hear the same sounds, and listen to the same conversations of common friends and enjoy the ride. To think they have given precious moments of their lives to ride along with me, I am indeed blessed. And maybe, just maybe, when I am but dust and a forgotten memory, someone else will sit back, open the cover, and once again, enjoy the ride. And so, I write.

-B.N. Rundell

If you enjoy Christian Fiction make sure you check out B.N. Rundell and grab one of his great novels here.